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Frachetti receives $2.4 million to study resilience in Asia-Pacific region

Archaeologists report earliest evidence for plant farming in east Africa

Earliest evidence for domestic yak found using both archaeology, ancient DNA

Sanz awarded Saint Louis Zoo Conservation Award
Photo essay: Researching retirement in the Himalayas

Parasites, bacteria infecting high rates of Cahokia Heights residents, study finds

A Traumatized Woman with Multiple Personalities Gets Better as Her ‘Parts’ Work as a Team

Faculty named to American Academy of Arts & Sciences

Early crop plants were more easily ‘tamed’

WashU Expert: West must grasp Putin’s worldview to avoid further surprise

Study reports first evidence of social relationships between chimpanzees, gorillas

Baugh named to board of Oxford Dictionary of African American English

One researcher’s artifact is another’s result

Gustafson receives Bryce Wood Book Award

From the Congo to the carpool

Big data arrives on the farm

WashU Expert: Putin is using ‘victim’ narrative to justify Ukraine attack

Crickette Sanz named AAAS Fellow

Researchers of ancient DNA set guidelines for their work

New database highlights underrepresented scholars of African archaeology

Stone receives grant to study perceptions of CRISPR in food production

New evidence supports idea that America’s first civilization was made up of ‘sophisticated’ engineers

’Til the cows come home

What Does Europe Have Against Halal?

Lois Beck Quoted in June 2021 Issue of Smithsonian Magazine

Wealth, status could not shield 19th-century families from parasitic infection

A tale of two forests could reveal path forward for saving endangered lemurs

WashU Expert: How to cope with pandemic anniversary emotions

Africa Initiative awards new round of pilot grants

Under climate stress, human innovation set stage for population surge

Trust your gut: A healthy sense of disgust can prevent sickness

Now Streaming: Assistant Professor Helina Woldekiros, The Kingdom of Aksum: Africa's trading empire

Rebecca Lester mentioned in an article about the Rites of Passage in the New York Times

Faculty Spotlight with Krista Milich, Assistant Professor of Biological Anthropology

Holland-Lulewicz discovery named Top 10 in 2020

Secrets of the ‘lost crops’ revealed where bison roam

David Strait in a New York Times story about ancient human cousins

Newly discovered fossil documents small-scale evolutionary changes in an extinct human species

Local cooking preferences drove acceptance of new crop staples in prehistoric China

Bolivia in the Age of Gas By Bret Gustafson

Krista Milich honored with Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award

Fritz wins book award for ‘Feeding Cahokia’

COVID-19 course moved beyond the science to explore virus’s impact on society

COVID-19 human milk studies should continue without stopping breastfeeding, researchers say

Lester’s book on eating disorders wins Victor Turner Prize

Announcing new course about the COVID-19 pandemic

Monkeying around: Study finds older primates father far fewer babies

Rewriting history: New evidence challenges Euro-centric narrative of early colonization

Professor Rebecca Lester's book won 3rd prize in the 2020 Victor Turner Prize in Ethnographic Writing

Marshall elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Milk pioneers: East African herders consumed milk 5,000 years ago

Fossil discoveries rewrite our family history

Lifestyle trumps geography in determining makeup of gut microbiome

Tang Dynasty noblewoman buried with her donkeys, for the love of polo

Long-term analysis shows GM cotton no match for insects in India

No clear path for Golden Rice to reach consumers

The Life and Legacy of a Himalayan Buddhist Master: Pema Döndrub (1668 –1744)

Green in tooth and claw

Now Streaming: Professor Geoff Childs, Anthropological Demography in Nepal

Church Unearthed in Ethiopia Rewrites the History of Christianity in Africa

New book examines eating disorders, failure to care for those impacted

Famished: Eating Disorders and Failed Care in America

WashU Expert: Political chaos in Bolivia is a ‘coup’

Now Streaming: Associate Professor Bret Gustafson

Washington University deepens ties with Mekelle University in Africa

The social networks and structural variation of Mississippian sociopolitics in the southeastern United States

Halting spread of HIV in Midwest is aim of new network

Time to retire the ‘pristine myth’ of climate change

Sometimes you feel like a nut

Forest landscapes, wildlife of Northern Congo declining under logging pressure

Long live the long-limbed African chicken

Sanz recognized with Women-in-Primatology award

Bison overlooked in domestication of grain crops

Dr. Fiona Marshall to receive Compton Award

Can Human Beings Understand the Economy?

Are there Zika reservoirs in the Americas?

Coal ash in the Missouri River flood plain is a bad idea
Pottery reveals America’s first social media networks

Prehistoric food globalization spanned three millennia

From a Trickle to a Torrent: Education, Migration, and Social Change in a Himalayan Valley of Nepal

Frequent inbreeding may have caused skeletal abnormalities in early humans

Monkey DNA may solve mysteries, help conservation

Ancient livestock dung heaps are now African wildlife hotspots

Liu and colleagues receive NSF funding for millet research

Anthropology faculty receive funding through Living Earth Collaborative

Now Streaming: Professor Rebecca Lester, Eating Disorder Treatment in America

NSF Fellowship encourages graduate students to go beyond research

Lewis Wall's new book "Tears for My Sisters" will donate all book royalties

Bret Gustafson talks with NACLA on Fossil Fuel Imperialism

Now Streaming: Professor John Bowen

Marriage at the Margins: Come-We-Stay Relationships in Kibera, Kenya

Finding Peace

Now Streaming: Professor Geoff Childs

Now Streaming: Professor Glenn Stone, Genetically Modified Foods

Long term study demonstrates impacts of logging on chimpanzees and gorillas

What's in a kiss?

Frachetti Uncovers Lost City

Targeted excavating leads to lost city

Fiona Marshall named to the US National Academy of Sciences