Transnational Reproductive Health Issues: Meanings, Technologies, Practices


This course covers recent scholarship on gender and reproductive health, including such issues as reproduction and the disciplinary power of the state, contested reproductive relations within families and communities, and the implications of global flows of biotechnology, population, and information for reproductive strategies at the local level. We will also explore how transnational migration and globalization have shaped reproductive health, the diverse meanings associated with reproductive processes, and decisions concerning reproduction. Reproduction will serve as a focus to illuminate the cultural politics of gender, power, and sexuality.
Course Attributes: EN S; BU BA; AS LCD; AS SSC; AS SD I; FA SSC; AR SSC; AS SC

Section 01

Transnational Reproductive Health Issues: Meanings, Technologies, Practices - 01

This course satisfies


Anthropology Global Health and Environment

Course Requirements

Anthropology Major Elective Global Health Elective