Seminar in Selected Topics in Learning & Memory: Collective Memory
This course provides an overview and analysis of phenomena of people remembering as part of a group - one's country, one's state, one's university, one's family. Collective memories are critical for one's identity, for knowing who we are and how to intepret the world around us. We will consider narcissistic tendencies of group memories in specific contexts (e.g., the Russian vs. American interpretation of world events; views of Trump supporters vs. Biden supporters on events in the U.S.) The course will range from humanistic, anthropological, psychological, and sociological perspectives on memory. PREREQ: Psych 100B and EITHER Psych 221, Psych 360, Psych 380 OR permission of the instructor.
Course Attributes: BU BA
Section 01
Seminar in Selected Topics in Learning & Memory: Collective Memory - 01