Primate Adaptation and Evolution


A broad survey of foundational topics in biological anthropology related to primate adaptation and evolution. The topics include adaptation, systematics, behavior (social, mating, dietary, positional), ecology, genetics, functional morphology, geology, and the fossil record. Specific emphasis is placed on an interdisciplinary synthesis of the primary literature in primate behavior, genetics, and morphology.veryday lives of migrants residing within the U.S.? What particular opportunities and challenges are presented by being a migrant in the U.S.? Who is migrating to the U.S., and why? This course will provide a comprehensive overview of migration in the U.S., providing students with valuable knowledge not only about the laws and policies that govern migration but also about the lived experiences of migrants. Specifically, we will discuss the history of migration in the U.S., immigration law, the migration policies of recent administrations, the U.S.-Mexico border, border surveillance, health, mental health, public perception of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants, sanctuary cities, politics and migration, and Latin American migrants. We will welcome guest speakers working in the field of migration throughout the semester, and students will have the opportunity to ask them about their work as well as their opinions on migration policy in the U.S. Class materials will include articles and book chapters from the fields of anthropology, political science, history, public health, sociology, and psychology as well as short videos, documentary films, and newspaper articles. Additionally, we will incorporate discussions on current events surrounding migration in the U.S. by following weekly news coverage on this topic. This course will be useful for students hoping to work with migrants in a variety of settings as well as for those hoping to pursue policy, research, or political careers related to this topic.
Course Attributes:

Section 01

Primate Adaptation and Evolution
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