Tashi Ghale
Tashi Tsering Ghale is a Ph.D. candidate in Anthropology at Washington University in Saint Louis, USA. His current Ph.D. research broadens Indigenous methodology and analyzes the intricate relationship of infrastructures, caste, & indigeneity configured in the imperial, colonial & neoliberal forces in the global South, i.e. Bentsang and Bharbhong, Dolpo (Nepal). His PhD fieldwork secured the Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant. Continuing his collective values, Tashi is also the co-founder of the Haatemalo Collective, one of Nepal's anti-caste organizations, imagining alternative pathways of liberation. Originally from Nepal, Tashi comes from the interconnected heritages of Dolpo and Mustang Indigenous Nations. He's also known as a journalist, an Indigenous activist, a documentary filmmaker, and a photographer. His photo from Dolpo participating in the World Photo Competition was recently awarded the McDonnell Academy prize.
Tewa, Tashi. (2024). “Neo-Brahminical Knowledge Production: Upper Caste Scholars’ Books on Dolpo”. (soon to be published as a book chapter)
Ghale, Tashi. (2018). "Himalayan Indigenous Peoples in Local Election after 20 years: The Historical Gendered Perspective from Dolpo" In Calla, Pamela & Elsa Stamatapoulou (2018) (eds). Walking and Learning with Indigenous Peoples. US: Columbia University. https://academiccommons.columbia.edu/doi/10.7916/D8RF7BBM/download
Ghale, Tashi T. et. al. (2016). “Nepal: A Country of Minorities.” In The South Asia Collective. South Asia: State of Minorities Report 2016. India: BFC.
Dolpo, Tashi Ghale. 2015. “Interactions between Customary Institutions and Local Elections in Dolpo”. The Conference Proceedings, 2015. https://soscbaha.org/publication/conference-proceedings-2015/attachment/conference-proceedings-2015/