Ilaria Patania
Assistant Professor of Archaeology

Research Interests
Ilaria uses multiscalar geoarchaeological techniques (such as micromorphology, Fourier Infrared Spectroscopy, and Scanning Electron Microscopy) to the study of archaeological sites to reconstruct past environments, landscape processes, and single human activities such as making fire and cooking. Her main interest lies in the Palaeolithic but collaborates on projects of different time periods. She is setting up a new laboratory to study Environmental Archaeology of Islands at Wash U.
Ilaria is PI of the Early Occupation of Sicily (EOS) Project. This multidisciplinary research combines land and underwater archaeology and focuses on tracing and dating earliest migratory paths on Sicily. EOS uses archival research, land and underwater surveys and excavations, environmental analyses (including geomorphology, micromorphology, geochemistry, paleobotany and GIS), and agent base modelling. The broader scope of EOS is to shed light on the nature of human impacts on ‘new’ and fragile ecosystems and the timing of changes codified in the concept of the Anthropocene. She also collaborates on several international projects including: tracing early human migrations into desert environments at Shuidonggou 2 (PRC); and reconstructing timing of occupation and building techniques of Poverty Point (USA).