Glenn Conroy

Professor Emeritus of Biological Anthropology
Professor of the Department of Neuroscience
PhD, Yale University
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    Work in Professor Conroy's laboratory is focused upon the analysis of paleontological evidence for primate and human evolution, particularly over the past 15 million years of earth history. Of particular interest is the time period between 15-5 mya, the temporal framework within which humans and African apes diverged.

    Professor Conroy is currently involved in several  multidisciplinary paleoanthropological field projects in both South Africa and the Amerian West. Our previous fieldwork in Namibia discovered the first Miocene hominoid ever found in sub-equatorial Africa and one of the most extensive middle Miocene faunas from Africa.  He is currently interested in applying GIS techniques to paleoanthropological exploration.  He is the Coursemaster of the Human Anatomy & Development course for first year medical students (and Anthropology Ph.D. candidates) at Washington University Medical School and also co-teach a course on Principles of Human Anatomy & Development to upper level Washington University undergraduates.

    Selected Publications


    Conroy GC and Pontzer H

    (2012) Reconstructing Human Origins: A Modern Synthesis (3rd ed.). W.W. Norton and Co., NY, 732p.

    Peer Reviewed Articles

    Conroy, GC

    (2002) Speciosity in the early homo lineage: too many, too few, or just about right? J. Hum. Evol. 43:607-614.
    (2003) The inverse relationship between species diversity and body mass: do primates play by the rules? J. Hum. Evol., 45:783-795.

    (2006) Creating, analyzing, and querying paleoanthropological maps using GIS: an example from the Uinta Basin Utah. Evol. Anthropol. 15:217-223.

    Conroy GC, Vannier MW, Tobias PV

    (1990) Endocranial features of Australopithecus africanus revealed by 2 and 3-D computed tomography.  Science, 247:838-841.

    Conroy GC, Mahoney J

    (1991) Mixed longitudinal study of dental emergence in chimpanzees of known age and sex.  Amer. J. Phys. Anthrop., 86:243-254.

    Conroy, GC., Pickford, M., Senut, B., Van Couvering, J., Mein, P.

    (1992) Otavipithecus namibiensis, first Miocene hominoid from Southern Africa (Berg Aukas, Namibia). Nature. 356:144-148.

    Conroy, GC. and Kuykendall, K.

    (1995) Paleopediatrics: or when did human infants really become human? American Journal of Physical Anthropology 98:121-131.

    Conroy, GC., Weber, G., Seidler, H., Tobias, P.V., Kane, A., Brunsden, B.

    (1998) Endocranial capacity in an early hominid from Sterkfontein, South Africa. Science 280: 1730-1731. (cover feature)

    Conroy GC, Falk D, Guyer J, Weber G, Seidler H, Recheis W

    (2000)  Endocranial capacity in STS 71 (Australopithecus africanus) by three dimensional computed tomography.  Anat. Rec., 258:391-396.

    Conroy GC and Smith RJ 

    (2007) The size of scalable brain components in the human evolutionary lineage: with a comment on the paradox of Homo Floresiensis.. Homo, 58:1-12.

    Conroy GC, Anemone RL, Van Regenmorter J, Addison A

    (2008) Google eart, GIS, and the great divide: a new and simple method for sharing paleontological data.  J. Hum. Evol. 55:751-755.

    Anemone, R., Conroy, GC, Emerson

    (2011) GIS and Paleoanthropology: Incorporating New Approaches from the Geospatial Sciences in the Analysis of Primate and Human Evolution.  Yrbk. Phys. Anthropol. 54:19-46.

    Anemone, R.,  Emerson,C. Conroy, G.

    (2011) Finding Fossils in New Ways: An Artificial Neural Network Approach to Predicting the Location of Productive Fossil  Localities. Evol. Anthropol. 20:169-180.

    Conroy, GC, Emerson, C., Anemone, R., Townsend, K.

    (2012) Let your fingers do the walking: a simple spectral signature model for “remote” fossil prospecting. J. Hum. Evol. 63:79-84.