Martial Matters: Race, Hazard, and Debility in the Suburb
Emma Shaw Crane received her PhD in American Studies from New York University in 2021. She is a scholar of race, sub/urban space, and U.S. empire in the Americas. Her book manuscript in-progress explores the long afterlives of counterinsurgent war in a peripheral suburb of Miami, Florida, home to a military base, a detention camp for migrant children, and agricultural economies sustained by migrant and refugee labor. Through ethnographic and spatial research, this project explores the routinization of counterinsurgent violence in the American suburb and possibilities for refuge, remediation, and repair in the wake of war. This project builds on earlier work on policing and pacification in Oakland, California, and on ongoing research with former guerrilla and paramilitary combatants in peripheral neighborhoods of Bogotá, Colombia. Emma’s work has been published in Antipode, Society & Space, and Urban Studies. She is the co-editor, with Ananya Roy, of Territories of Poverty: Rethinking North and South, published by the University of Georgia Press.