Carolyn Barnes, PhD, May 2020
Advisor: Prof. Peter Benson
Title: Horse Power: The Merry-go-Round of Kentucky's Transforming Thoroughbred Industry

Lauren Cubellis, PhD, May 2020
Advisor: Prof. Rebecca Lester
Title: Anticipating Crisis: Risk, Cost, and Care in German Psychiatry

Natalia Guzman Solano, PhD, May 2020
Advisor: Prof. Bret Gustafson
Title: Subjectivities of Struggle: Charting Inscriptions of Violence and Refusal on the “Cuerpo Territorio” of Peru’s Defensoras

Mica Jones, PhD, May 2020
Advisor: Prof. Fiona Marshall
Title: Variability Among Later Stone Age Hunter-gatherers in Eastern Africa

Colleen Walsh Lang, MD/PhD, May 2020
Advisor: Dr. Bradley Stoner
Title: Vulnerable Agents: Ugandan Children’s Experiences with HIV Rehabilitation and Reintegration

Julia Macias, PhD, May 2020
Advisor: Prof. Bret Gustafson
Title: Rompiendo Alambres: Immigrant Youth Navigating School and Life in St. Louis

Lauren Marr, PhD, May 2020
Advisor: Prof. John Bowen
Title: Consuming Local, Thinking Global: Building a Halal Industry in a World of Made in Italy

Kelsey Nordine, PhD, May 2020
Advisor: Profs. Gayle Fritz and T.R. Kidder
Title: Building Communities: interpreting Oneota and Mississippian interaction through paleoethnobotanical analysis at the Morton Village Site (11F2), west-central Illinois

Dick Powis, PhD, May 2020
Advisor: Prof. Shanti Parikh
Title: Relations of Reproduction: Men, Masculinity, and Pregnancy in Dakar, Senegal

Caitlin Rankin, PhD, May 2020
Advisor: Prof. T.R. Kidder
Title: Testing Assumptions on the Relationship between Humans and their Environment: Case Studies from Cahokia Mounds, Illinois

Alex Rivas, PhD, August 2020
Advisor: Prof. David Freidel
Title: Landesque Capital and Community Organization in a Maya Economic Center: A Case Study at Salinas de los Nueve Cerros

Katharina Rynkiewich, PhD, May 2020
Advisor: Dr. Bradley Stoner
Title: The Social Dynamics of Antibiotic Use in a Large American Medical Complex