Xinzhou Chen: Pastoralism as institutions: Modeling the pastoral landscape in Tibet in the second and first millennium BC
Yufeng Sun: Effects of food preparation and labor organizations on domesticated millet in ancient China (8000-1000 BP)
Grace Ward: The Historical Ecology of Early Mound Building in the Lower Mississippi Valley
Juan Carlos Melendez: A Contextual and Technological Study of Ancient Maya Greenstone Mosaic Masks
Mica Jones: Variability Among Later Stone Age Hunter-gatherers
Kelsey Nordine: Building Communities: Interpreting Oneota and Mississipppian Interaction Through Paleoethnobotanical Analysis at the Morton Village Site (11F2), West-Central Illinois
Caitlin Rankin: Testing Assumptions on the Relationship between Humans and their Environment: Case Studies from Cahokia Mounds, Illinois
Alexander Rivas: Landesque Capital and Community Organization in a Maya Economic Center: A Case Study at Salinas de los Nueve Cerros, Guatemala
Zhen Qin: Agricultural Intensification and Environmental Changes in the Central Plain of China (5500 B.P.-2000 B.P.): A Case Study at Sanyangzhuang and Anshang, Henan Province
Elissa Bullion: Kinship and Religious Identities in Medieval Central Asia (8th-13th c. CE): Tracing Communities of Mortuary Practice and Biological Affinity
Edward Henry: Earthen Monuments and Social Movements in Eastern North America: Adena-Hopewell Enclosures on Kentucky's Bluegrass Landscape
Yuqi Li: Water management in agro-pastoralist societies: A case study at the site of Mohuchahangoukou (MGK) in Xinjiang, China
Sarah Spivey: Fort Center's Iconographic Bestiary: A Reanalysis of the Site's Carved Wood Assemblage
BrieAnna Langlie: Farming through the Auca Runa: Agricultural Strategies and Terraces during the Late Intermediate Period, Altiplano, Peru
David Mixter: Surviving Collapse: Collective Memory and Political Reorganization at Actuncan, Belize
Steven Goldstein: The Technological and Socio-Economic Organization of the Elmenteitan Early Herders in Southern Kenya (3000-1200 BP)
Natalie Mueller: Seeds as Artifacts of Communities of Practice: The Domestication of Erect Knotweed in Eastern North America
Michael Storozum: Towards a Human Ecology of the North China Plain: Geoarchaeological Perspectives on Holocene Landscape Evolution
Clarissa Cagnato: A Paleoethnobotanical Study of Two Classic Maya Sites, El Perú-Waka' and La Corona
Paula Doumani: Bronze Age Potters in Regional Context: Long-Term Development of Ceramic Technology in the Eastern Eurasian Steppe Zone
Diana Fridberg: Case Studies in Ancient Maya Human-Animal Relations: El Perú, La Corona, and Commensal Mammals
Lynne Rouse: A Line in the Sand: Archaeological Evidence for the Interactions of Settled Farmers and Mobile Pastoralists in the Late Bronze Age (1950 - 1500 BC) Murghab alluvial fan, Turkmenistan
Abigail Stone: Urban Herders: An Archaeological and Isotopic Investigation into the Roles of Mobility and Subsistence Specialization in an Iron Age Urban Center in Mali
Mary Jane Acuña: Art, Ideology, and Politics at El Achiotal: A Late Preclassic Frontier Site in Northwestern Petén, Guatemala
Helina Woldekiros: The Afar Caravan Route: Insights into Aksumite (50 BCE-CE 900) Trade and Exchange from the Low Deserts to the North Ethiopian Plateau
Katherine Grillo: The Materiality of Mobile Pastoralism: Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives from Samburu, Kenya
Livia Stone: Social Change and Documentary Film in Mexico: Violence, Autonomy, and Cultural Production
Robert Spengler III: Botanical Resource Use in the Bronze and Iron Age of the Central Eurasian Mountain/Steppe Interface: Decision Making in Multiresource Pastoral Economies
Jose Capriles Flores: The Economic Organization of Early Camelid Pastoralism in the Andean Highlands of Bolivia
John Hanselka: Prehistoric Plant Procurement, Food Production, and Land Use in Southwestern Tamaulipas, Mexico
Elizabeth Horton: The Ties That Bind: Fabric Traditions and Fiber Use in the Ozark Plateau
Timothy Schilling: An Archaeological Model of the Construction of Monks Mound and Implications for the Development of the Cahokian Society (800 - 1400 A.D.)