Dissertation Research



Xinzhou Chen: Pastoralism as institutions: Modeling the pastoral landscape in Tibet in the second and first millennium BC
Yufeng Sun: Effects of food preparation and labor organizations on domesticated millet in ancient China (8000-1000 BP)
Grace Ward: The Historical Ecology of Early Mound Building in the Lower Mississippi Valley


Juan Carlos Melendez: A Contextual and Technological Study of Ancient Maya Greenstone Mosaic Masks
Mica Jones: Variability Among Later Stone Age Hunter-gatherers
Kelsey Nordine: Building Communities: Interpreting Oneota and Mississipppian Interaction Through Paleoethnobotanical Analysis at the Morton Village Site (11F2), West-Central Illinois
Caitlin Rankin: Testing Assumptions on the Relationship between Humans and their Environment: Case Studies from Cahokia Mounds, Illinois
Alexander Rivas: Landesque Capital and Community Organization in a Maya Economic Center: A Case Study at Salinas de los Nueve Cerros, Guatemala


Zhen Qin: Agricultural Intensification and Environmental Changes in the Central Plain of China (5500 B.P.-2000 B.P.): A Case Study at Sanyangzhuang and Anshang, Henan Province    
Elissa Bullion: Kinship and Religious Identities in Medieval Central Asia (8th-13th c. CE): Tracing Communities of Mortuary Practice and Biological Affinity    
Edward Henry: Earthen Monuments and Social Movements in Eastern North America: Adena-Hopewell Enclosures on Kentucky's Bluegrass Landscape    
Yuqi Li: Water management in agro-pastoralist societies: A case study at the site of Mohuchahangoukou (MGK) in Xinjiang, China    
Sarah Spivey: Fort Center's Iconographic Bestiary: A Reanalysis of the Site's Carved Wood Assemblage


BrieAnna Langlie: Farming through the Auca Runa: Agricultural Strategies and Terraces during the Late Intermediate Period, Altiplano, Peru    
David Mixter: Surviving Collapse: Collective Memory and Political Reorganization at Actuncan, Belize    
Steven Goldstein: The Technological and Socio-Economic Organization of the Elmenteitan Early Herders in Southern Kenya (3000-1200 BP)    
Natalie Mueller: Seeds as Artifacts of Communities of Practice: The Domestication of Erect Knotweed in Eastern North America    
Michael Storozum: Towards a Human Ecology of the North China Plain: Geoarchaeological Perspectives on Holocene Landscape Evolution


Clarissa Cagnato: A Paleoethnobotanical Study of Two Classic Maya Sites, El Perú-Waka' and La Corona


Paula Doumani: Bronze Age Potters in Regional Context: Long-Term Development of Ceramic Technology in the Eastern Eurasian Steppe Zone    
Diana Fridberg: Case Studies in Ancient Maya Human-Animal Relations: El Perú, La Corona, and Commensal Mammals    
Lynne Rouse: A Line in the Sand: Archaeological Evidence for the Interactions of Settled Farmers and Mobile Pastoralists in the Late Bronze Age (1950 - 1500 BC) Murghab alluvial fan, Turkmenistan    
Abigail Stone: Urban Herders: An Archaeological and Isotopic Investigation into the Roles of Mobility and Subsistence Specialization in an Iron Age Urban Center in Mali


Mary Jane Acuña: Art, Ideology, and Politics at El Achiotal: A Late Preclassic Frontier Site in Northwestern Petén, Guatemala     
Helina Woldekiros: The Afar Caravan Route: Insights into Aksumite (50 BCE-CE 900) Trade and Exchange from the Low Deserts to the North Ethiopian Plateau 


Katherine Grillo: The Materiality of Mobile Pastoralism: Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives from Samburu, Kenya    
Livia Stone: Social Change and Documentary Film in Mexico: Violence, Autonomy, and Cultural Production     
Robert Spengler III: Botanical Resource Use in the Bronze and Iron Age of the Central Eurasian Mountain/Steppe Interface: Decision Making in Multiresource Pastoral Economies


Jose Capriles Flores: The Economic Organization of Early Camelid Pastoralism in the Andean Highlands of Bolivia    
John Hanselka: Prehistoric Plant Procurement, Food Production, and Land Use in Southwestern Tamaulipas, Mexico


Elizabeth Horton: The Ties That Bind: Fabric Traditions and Fiber Use in the Ozark Plateau    
Timothy Schilling: An Archaeological Model of the Construction of Monks Mound and Implications for the Development of the Cahokian Society (800 - 1400 A.D.)    





    Biological Anthropology


    Jake Funkhouser: The evolutionary and comparative elements of social roles
    Catherine McLean: Evolutionary History of Populations of Pleistocene Homo with a Focus on East Asia
    Alaina Schneider:  An Investigation of Human Relaxin-1 and Relaxin-2 Concentrations in Human Milk Samples from Women from Cebu, Philippines
    Rachel Sender:  The Biomechanics of Tooth Strength in Australopiths


    Stephanie Musgrave: The Ontogeny of Complex Tool Use among Chimpanzees of the Goualougo Triangle, Republic of Congo    


    Crystal Koenig: Wild Primates in Documentary Films: Biodiversity, Behavior, and Pedagogical Applications    
    Efstathia Robakis: Tamarin Vocal Communication: The Roles of Predation and Social Complexity in Promoting Vocal Complexity in Wild Callitrichids    



    John Willman: The Non-Masticatory Use of the Anterior Teeth Among Late Pleistocene Humans    
    Monica McDonald: How Do the Largest and Smallest Baboon Species Compete for Reproductive Success in a Natural Hybrid Zone?    
    Kenneth Chiou: Population Genomics of a Baboon Hybrid Zone in Zambia    
    Lana Oliver: Coexistence of Confamilial, Folivorous Indriids, Propithecus diadema and Indri indri, at Betampona Strict Nature Reserve, Madagascar    


    Jessica Joganic: A Quantitative Genetic Analysis of Craniofacial Variation in Baboons 
    Joshua Marshack: Agonism, Affiliation, and Social Organization in a Community of Savanna Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Fongoli, Senegal         



    Joseph Orkin: Landscape Genetics of Western Black Crested Gibbons (Nomascus concolor) in China    



    Sarah Lacy: Oral Health and its Implications in Late Pleistocene Western Eurasian Humans     
    Cara Ocobock: Measuring and Predicting Total Energy Expenditure Among Highly Active Humans in Natural Environments 




    LeAndra Bridgeman: The Feeding Ecology of Yucatán Black Howler Monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in Mangrove Forest, Tabasco, Mexico     
    Marc Fourrier: The Spatial and Temporal Ecology of Seed Dispersal by Gorillas in Lopé National Park, Gabon: Linking Patterns of Disperser Behavior and Recruitment in an Afrotropical Forest    
    Julia Maki: The Biomechanics of Spear Throwing: An Analysis of the Effects of Anatomical Variation on Throwing Performance, with Implications for the Fossil Record     
    Mrinalini Watsa: Growing Up Tamarin: Morphology, Reproduction, and Population Demography of Sympatric Free-ranging Saguinus fuscicollis and S. imperator    


    Blaine Maley: Population Structure and Demographic History of Human Arctic Populations Using Quantitative Cranial Traits    
    Rajnish Vandercone: Dietary Shifts, Niche Relationships and Interspecific Competition in Sympatric Grey Langur (Semnopithecus entellus) and Purple-faced Langur (Trachypithecus vetulus) in Sri Lanka    
    Anna Warrener: Pelvic Shape, Hip Abductor Mechanics and Locomotor Energetics in Extinct Hominins and Modern Humans    
    Christopher Shaffer: Ranging Behavior, Group Cohesiveness, and Patch Use in Northern Bearded Sakis (Chiropotes sagulatus) in Guyana    


    Tafline Arbor: The Makapansgat Hominins: A Descriptive and Comparative Morphological Study    
    Maria Gutierrez Alvarez: Taxonomic and Ecological Characterization of a Late Oligocene Mammalian Fauna from Kenya    
    Elizabeth Kelley: Lemur Catta in the Region of Cap Sainte-Marie, Madagascar: Introduced Cacti, Xerophytic Didiereaceae-Euphorbia Bush, and Tombs

    Sociocultural Anthropology


    Matt Abel: The Forest and the Factory: Debt, Development, and Community in the Amazon Delta


    Chelsey Carter: It is a "White Disease": ALS, Race, and Suffering in a Divided City    
    Aaron Hames: Finding Peace: Aging, Solidarity, and Min-Iren    


    Sara Carolyn Barnes: Horse Power: The Merry-go-round of Kentucky's Transforming Thoroughbred Racing Industry    
    Lauren Cubellis: Anticipating Crisis: Risk, Cost, and Care in German Psychiatry    
    Natalia Guzmán Solano: Subjectivities of Struggle: Charting Inscriptions of Violence and Refusal on the "Cuerpo Territorio" of Peru's Defensoras    
    Julia Macias: Rompiendo Alambres: Immigrant Youth Navigating School and Life in St. Louis    
    Lauren  Marr: Consuming Local, Thinking Global: Building a Halal Industry in a World of Made in Italy
    Guillermo Martin-Saiz: Schisms and Boundaries: Islamic Organizations and Sectarianism between South Asia and Spain    
    Richard Powis: Relations of Reproduction: Men, Masculinities, and Pregnancy in Dakar, Senegal    
    Katharina Rynkiewich: The Social Dynamics of Antibiotic Use in a Large American Medical Complex    
    Colleen Walsh Lang: Vulnerable Agents: Ugandan Children's Experiences with HIV Rehabilitation and Reintegration


    Chaoxiong Zhang: Inventing a Moralist Self: The Moral Experiences of Drug Users in China's State-run Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program    
    Oguz Alyanak: Sinning Men, Sinful Places: Spatial Politics of Moral Transgressions in the Franco-German Borderland    
    Ashley E. Wilson: Marriage, the Market, and Gendered (In)securities in Kibera, Kenya    


    Sherria Ayuandini: For One Drop of Blood: Virginity, Sexual Norms and Medical Processes in Hymenoplasty Consultations in the Netherlands    
    Andrea Bolivar: We are a Fantasia: Violence, Belonging, and Potentiality in Transgender Latina Sexual Economies    
    Golda Onyeneho: Collectively Remembering and Living an Emerging Nigerian National Identity    
    Arielle Wright: There is no care here: The Conflictual Ethics of Kin and Bureaucratic Care in Botswana    


    Andrew Flachs: Cultivating Knowledge: The Production and Adaptation of Knowledge on Organic and GM Cotton Farms in Telangana, India     
    Jennifer Heipp:  "I'm trying to do the right thing": Competing Responsibilities Among Teen Parents in the Context of Neoliberalism    
    Sarah Sobonya: Lactating in St. Louis: Attachments, Technologies, and Disparities    
    Jenny Epstein: The Violence of Abstraction: Learning to Live With Type-2 Diabetes in Everyday Life    
    Anita Chary: A Poor Woman's Disease: An Ethnography of Cervical Cancer and Global Health in Guatemala    
    Elyse Singer: Regulating Reproduction: Abortion Reform and Reproductive Governance in Mexico    
    Adrienne Strong: The Maternity Ward as Mirror: Maternal Death, Biobureaucracy, and Institutional Care in the Tanzanian Health Sector    


    Namgyal Choedup: From Tibetan Refugees to Transmigrants: Negotiating Cultural Continuity and Economic Mobility Through Migration    
    Alison Heller: Interrogating the Superlative Sufferer: Experiencing Obstetric Fistula and Treatment Seeking in Niger    
    Rebecca Hodges: Transformation of Sympathies: Gendered Mediation of Jordanian Education Reform for a Knowledge Economy    


    Nino Batiashvili: We Were Alway United, Except When We Were Not: Bivocal Memory and Georgia's Geopolitical Dilemma    
    Jing Xu: Becoming a Moral Child: Morality, Culture, and Mind in Contemporary China     
    Jessica  Ruthven: When Life Happens: Theatres of HIV and Complexity in South Africa    


    Chithprabha Kudlu: Brand Kerala: Commodification of Open Source Ayurveda     
    Anubha Sood: Navigating Pain: Women's Healing Practices in a Hindu Temple     
    Doc Billingsley: So That All Shall Know: Memory Activism & Epistemic Authority in Guatemala     


    Eric Scott Repice: Emerging Artists: An Ethnography of High Art in Higher Education    
    Meghan Ference: Moving Targets: Meanings of Mobility in Metropolitan Nairobi    


    Jennifer Wistrand: Becoming Azerbaijani: Uncertainty, Belonging and Getting By in a Post-Soviet Society    
    Anna Jacobsen: Making Moral Worlds: Individual and Social Processes of Meaning-Making in a Somali Diaspora    
    Sarah Kendzior: The Uzbek Opposition in Exile: Diaspora and Dissident Politics in the Digital Age        


    Katherine Hejtmanek: Mad Love: Life and Change in an American Adolescent Residential Treatment Center     
    Stephanie Larchanche: Cultural Anxieties and Institutional Regulation: "Specialized" Mental Healthcare and "Immigrant Suffering" in Paris, France